Heute wurde die Version 1.0.4 der Chia Blockchain veröffentlicht. Wie ihr den Client unter Windows 10 installieren könnt, erfahrt ihr in unserem Chia Farming und Plotting Guide. Wenn ihr bereits eine ältere Version des Clients installiert habt, werden eure Daten in die neue Version übernommen.

Folgendes freut sicherlich alle Farmer:

The plotter in bitfield mode is much improved in plotting speed (~15% faster than in 1.0.3), now requires 28% less temporary space (238.3 GiB/256 GB), and now uses its maximum memory in phase 1 and only needs 3389MiB for optimal sorting of a k32. Total writes should also be down by about 20%. On almost all machines we expect bitfield to be as fast or faster.

Das bitfield Plotting wurde also nochmal verbessert und ist jetzt ca. 15 % schneller als in Version 1.0.3. Zusätzlich wird weniger temporärer Speicher benötigt (238.3 GiB/256 GB). Dadurch können je nach Ausstattung mehr Plots parallel erstellt werden. Die maximale RAM Nutzung für Phase 1 wurde zusätzlich auf 3389 MiB gesenkt.

Original Release Notes von https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/releases/tag/1.0.4

- Starting approximately April 21, 2021, the GUI will notify you that this version will stop working at block height 193,536 and will persistently warn you from that block on that you can not use this version (or any earlier version) to farm. This is to support the upgrade to the transaction fork.
- We now have translations for Brazilian Portuguese, Australian English, and Pirate. Thanks to @fsavaget, @darkflare, @Maahhh, @harold_257, @kontin, and @gulli. Yarr - don't be losing your 24 word treasure map...

- The plotter in bitfield mode is much improved in plotting speed (~15% faster than in 1.0.3), now requires 28% less temporary space (238.3 GiB/256 GB), and now uses its maximum memory in phase 1 and only needs 3389MiB for optimal sorting of a k32. Total writes should also be down by about 20%. On almost all machines we expect bitfield to be as fast or faster. For CPUs that predate the Nahalem architecture, bitfield plotting will not work and you will need to use no bitfield. Those CPUs were generally designed before 2010.
- The src directory in chia-blockchian has been changed to chia to avoid namespace collisions.
- GUI install builds have been simplified to rely on one .spec file in chia/
- The weight proof timeout can now be configured in config.yaml.
- Peer discovery is now retried more often after you receive initial peers.

- We have made significant improvements and bug fixes to stop blockchain and wallet database corruption issues.
- We now pass the environment into the Daemon and this should solve some Windows and MacOS startup bugs.
- The ARM64 .deb installer will now work well on Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or newer.
- We have made improvements in weight proof generation and saving.
- Wallet start up would have a race condition that output a harmless error on startup.
- Thanks for a typo fix from @alfonsoperez.

Chia Blockchain 1.0.4 veröffentlicht!
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