
Vielen dank schon mal, ich werde es gleich ausprobieren, 29 Plots die du Schafts sind Super.
Ist dein CPU auch voll ausgelastet 95% – 100% bei mir ja, dafür der Ram mit max. 50% ?

Das mit denn Zeiten ist verstehe ich noch nicht so ganz leider. hier ist ein Log zusammengefasst von mir, ich verstehe nicht warum alle Plots bei 31% Stoppen und in ca. 1,5 bis 2,5 Std wieder Starten.

Starting plotting progress into temporary dirs: F:\ and F:\
Plot size is: 32
Buffer size is: 6000MiB
Using 128 buckets
Using 4 threads of stripe size 65536

Starting phase 1/4: Forward Propagation into tmp files… Thu May 13 10:40:03 2021
Computing table 1

F1 complete, time: 191.65 seconds. CPU (153.66%) Thu May 13 10:43:15 2021
Computing table 2

Forward propagation table time: 1705.678 seconds. CPU (211.970%) Thu May 13 11:11:40 2021
Computing table 3

Forward propagation table time: 2380.838 seconds. CPU (181.540%) Thu May 13 11:51:21 2021
Computing table 4

Forward propagation table time: 2686.377 seconds. CPU (178.810%) Thu May 13 12:36:08 2021
Computing table 5

Forward propagation table time: 2647.061 seconds. CPU (179.090%) Thu May 13 13:20:15 2021
Computing table 6

Forward propagation table time: 2348.040 seconds. CPU (188.750%) Thu May 13 13:59:23 2021
Computing table 7

Forward propagation table time: 1910.967 seconds. CPU (195.110%) Thu May 13 14:31:14 2021
Time for phase 1 = 13870.654 seconds. CPU (186.990%) Thu May 13 14:31:14 2021

Starting phase 2/4: Backpropagation into tmp files… Thu May 13 14:31:14 2021
Backpropagating on table 7
scanned table 7
scanned time = 34.322 seconds. CPU (91.410%) Thu May 13 14:31:49 2021
sorting table 7
Backpropagating on table 6
scanned table 6
scanned time = 286.136 seconds. CPU (99.220%) Thu May 13 14:39:25 2021
sorting table 6
sort time = 817.929 seconds. CPU (99.890%) Thu May 13 14:53:03 2021
Backpropagating on table 5
scanned table 5
scanned time = 215.122 seconds. CPU (99.960%) Thu May 13 14:56:39 2021
sorting table 5
sort time = 758.775 seconds. CPU (99.910%) Thu May 13 15:09:17 2021
Backpropagating on table 4
scanned table 4
scanned time = 212.714 seconds. CPU (99.920%) Thu May 13 15:12:50 2021
sorting table 4
sort time = 738.069 seconds. CPU (99.920%) Thu May 13 15:25:08 2021
Backpropagating on table 3
scanned table 3
scanned time = 221.218 seconds. CPU (99.870%) Thu May 13 15:28:50 2021
sorting table 3
sort time = 737.507 seconds. CPU (99.930%) Thu May 13 15:41:07 2021
Backpropagating on table 2
scanned table 2
scanned time = 219.360 seconds. CPU (99.970%) Thu May 13 15:44:47 2021
sorting table 2